Casa Particular

Casa Vistamar, Matanzas, Cuba

Casa Vistamar Matanzas Cuba

Casa particular Casa Vistamar Matanzas CubaCasa particular casa Vistamar Matanzas

Casa particular

A "casa particular" is a bed and breakfast (room and board) in a private home in Cuba. Private citizens are allowed (meeting certain conditions and paying the required tax) to rent out rooms to tourists. They can offer lodging and meals.
The "casa particular" offer an economical way to see Cuba and provide a quality service while allowing you to get in close contact with the Cuban people. An experience that can't be matched by state run hotels that separate rather than unite Cubans and tourists.


"Casa Vistamar"

Calle 129, No 14224,

between 143 and 144 Rpto. Reynol Garcia

Matanzas, Cuba.

Contact Casa Vistamar Matanzas

Tel. +53 45 261364 or +53 45 262337


Links to to other casa particular in Cuba: